SkillBurst Interactive
News, Inspiration, & Insights
Do we need a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver and track on-demand compliance courses?
Many of our law firm and corporate clients have been hard at work creating on-demand compliance courses to train people at their client organizations. Our government clients have been busy creating compliance courses to train their own personnel. And they all have similar questions…
Could eLearning Be a New Source of Firm Revenue?
SkillBurst CEO Steve Gluckman was interviewed by the Centre for Legal Innovation’s podcast series Disrupting Legal Education. Listen in as he discusses a new revenue-generating training offering.
Interactivity: Required by Law?
The word “interactive” has been showing up a lot lately in a variety of compliance and credit-eligible training requirements. Why is that? And what is meant by “interactive?”
Do you know someone like Joe?
Storytelling can be a powerful tool to engage adult learners in the classroom and in on-demand learning programs. Learn how SkillBurst’s professional skills training series uses storytelling to drive learner engagement.
Has Your Firm Signed the ABA Well-Being Pledge?
Many law schools, law firms, and in-house corporate legal departments have signed the American Bar Association’s Well-Being Pledge. As you evolve your well-being education programs, consider the role that on-demand learning can play.