Make performance evaluations meaningful.
Performance evaluation season is an opportunity – to showcase growth and performance over the year and to exchange meaningful feedback to motivate future performance and growth.
This 9-module digital learning series – created for both lawyers and staff – is designed to help everyone make the most of the performance evaluation process.

Created for both lawyers and staff.
Encourage meaningful reflection and analysis.
How is preparing your self-assessment an opportunity?
How can and should you prepare meaningfully for your performance review meeting?
What are some specific, actionable steps we can each take to receive more meaningful feedback on our performance?
What are some best practices for delivering feedback that motivates others to take action?
How can you write a performance evaluation that will set the stage for strong performance, growth, and continued development of associates and staff?
How can you set the right tone in performance review meetings to encourage growth and motivate associates and staff?
This series addresses questions such as:

Develop feedback skills to motivate a higher level of performance.
This series includes the following SkillBursts, each running approximately 10-18 minutes in duration. Each course was designed just for law firms, can be branded to the firm, and is customizable – so you can tailor the details to the specifics of your firm’s culture, environment, and expectations.
Successful Practices for Preparing Your Self-Assessment - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (16 minutes each) |
Preparing your self-assessment is an opportunity -- to reflect on your performance, assess progress toward your goals and the firm's, and plan your goals for the coming year. It's also an opportunity for you to prepare thoughtfully for your performance review meeting to tell your story in your own words and to provide evaluators with insight into your past performance, future goals, and your perspective. In this module we explore some practical tips for preparing your self-assessment. |
Five Steps to Writing a Performance Evaluation - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (16 minutes each) |
It’s that time of year again: time to write performance evaluations. And you have an important role to play in the process. Whether you’re the sole evaluator of a direct report or one of many evaluators providing feedback for a comprehensive review, you have the power – and the responsibility! – to prepare an evaluation that will set the stage for strong performance, growth, and continued development of our associates and staff. In this module we outline a 5-step process – along with several practical tips and examples – to guide you as you write your evaluations. |
Leading Productive Performance Evaluation Meetings - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (10 minutes each) |
It’s time to prepare for and conduct performance evaluation meetings. And you have an important role to play! It is your responsibility to lead these meetings – and to lead them in a way that sets the right tone to motivate and encourage strong performance, growth, and continued development of our personnel in the year ahead. In this module we explore some practical tips to help you prepare for and lead a productive evaluation discussion. |
Delivering Effective Feedback - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (14 minutes each) |
Deliver feedback well and you can inspire others and drive strong performance that benefits both the individual and the firm. Don't deliver it well - or don't deliver it all - and it can have the opposite effect. Whether or not you serve in a supervisory role, you interact with peers, assistants, and other support staff regularly assigning tasks or working together to accomplish shared objectives. You have the power to influence their motivation and performance through the feedback you provide. In this module we'll explore 10 tips for providing feedback that can sustain or lead to great performance. |
Inviting and Embracing Feedback (18 minutes) |
To grow and progress - personally and professionally - we need feedback. Not just the once-a-year "annual performance evaluation" type of feedback - but frequent, timely, and meaningful feedback that can help us to regularly assess what we are doing well and what we could be doing better. Yet the majority of us don't receive as much feedback as we would like and the feedback we do get isn't particularly constructive. In this module we'll explore specific actionable steps you can take to prepare for, solicit, receive, embrace, and act on meaningful feedback. |
Everything you need to optimize performance evaluation season.
Series includes
9 modules designed just for law firms
Optional firm branding of each course
Optional customization of each course
Accompanying job aids or handouts with most courses
Facilitator guides so you can leverage the digital courses into expanded live, personalized training discussions
Delivery of courses as SCORM files for hosting on your LMS or through our web-based training platform
Printable certificates of completion (when hosted on our platform)
Pricing for this pre-packaged series is based on the firm size and the duration of the subscription. Two-year and three-year subscriptions are available. The more series you license, the more you save! Contact us for limited-time preview access and a firm-specific quote today.
Optional Add-On: Custom-Developed Courses
Looking for even more to round out the Performance Evaluation topics you provide to your lawyers or staff? Let us develop a firm-specific course – or series of courses - just for you.
Flexible Delivery Options
If you leverage our platform, we’ll provide a firm-branded, web-accessible site featuring all of the modules you’ve licensed. You’ll also have access to an easy-to-use Administrative Control Panel, through which you can easily add new users, organize them into groups, send email announcements and assignments, and run reports on usage.
User access is straightforward and intuitive. And automated reminders and reporting capabilities make administration a breeze.
And if you’ve got your own Learning Management System (LMS) that you’d prefer to host the courses on, we can accommodate that, too.
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