Encourage leadership at all levels.
We tend to assume leadership requires a certain personality type and can only be exercised from a position of seniority and formal authority. However, true leadership is about gaining the skills to lead effectively at any level. By practicing and refining leadership skills in various roles, anyone can become a strong and influential leader.
This 14-module digital learning series is designed to help everyone at all levels in the firm – both staff and lawyers – develop their leadership skills.

Created for both lawyers and staff
Cultivate a leadership mindset.
What does it mean to lead without authority?
What is a personal brand and what is YOUR personal brand?
What can you do to deliberately define and consciously cultivate your personal brand?
What are some tried and true tips we can rely on when faced with a difficult conversation?
How can you convey more confidence, authority, and leadership with your word choices?
What is executive presence and how can I begin to develop it?
How can we run our meetings in a more meaningful, productive way?
How can we effectively manage conflict when it arises?
How can we delegate more effectively to accomplish more through others?
What are some best practices we can apply to provide feedback to others?
And many more…
This series addresses questions such as:

Engage in leadership skill-building.
This series includes the following SkillBursts, each running approximately 8-17 minutes in duration. Each course was designed just for law firms, can be branded to the firm, and is customizable – so you can tailor the details to the specifics of your firm’s culture, environment, and expectations.
Leading Without Authority (8 minutes) |
We tend to assume leadership requires a certain personality-type and can only be exercised when the individual operates from a place of seniority and formal authority. The truth is we can all learn to exercise leadership—no matter what position we are in and regardless of whether we believe we fit the stereotype of a traditional leader. This module will explore practical tips to exercise leadership every day. |
Building Your Personal Brand - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (14 minutes each) |
Did you know? You already have a personal brand. You may - or may not - know what it is. It may - or may not - be what you want it to be. But you have one. In this module we'll introduce you to personal branding. We'll explore what a personal brand is, why it is important, and what you can do to deliberately define and consciously cultivate your personal brand. |
Difficult Conversations (8 minutes) |
Difficult conversations are a reality of the workplace. Avoiding these conversations can have negative consequences - for you, your colleagues, and the firm. When we view these conversations as opportunities rather than obligations, we can use them as tools to strengthen relationships and make a positive impact. In this module you'll learn how to apply the "Seven A's" and face difficult conversations head-on to get the best results. |
The Language of Leadership: Words Matter (12 minutes) |
The way you communicate says a lot about you. With some word choices you convey confidence, authority, and leadership. With others you may undermine your authority, send mixed signals, or plant seeds of doubt... without even realizing it. In this module we'll explore some fundamental rules of leadership communication and a variety of commonly-used words and phrases that might be holding you back. |
The Path to Leadership: Developing Your Executive Presence (12 minutes) |
Executive Presence can mean different things to different people. But ultimately it is about instilling confidence in others in your ability to lead. This interactive module encourages some thoughtful observation of others - and some self-reflection too - as it guides you through what executive presence is, what it looks like, and how you can begin to develop yours. |
Meaningful Meetings (13 minutes) |
Meetings. Many of us view them as a necessary evil. But when are meetings truly necessary? What is the best way to formulate an agenda? Who should be invited? How can we make our meetings more meaningful? In this module we'll answer these questions so you can make the most of each meeting. You'll be prepared to plan and execute meetings that leave participants energized and ready to take action! |
Planning an Engaging Virtual Meeting (15 minutes) |
Virtual meetings can be a great way to bring your dispersed team together. And while they have a lot in common with in-person meetings, virtual meetings require additional attention and preparation. In this 15-minute SkillBurst we explore a variety of successful practices you can follow to enable your virtual meetings to add to the connectedness, cohesiveness, and camaraderie of the group. |
Understanding Conflict Styles (11 minutes) |
Effective conflict management requires awareness - of different conflict styles, of your own conflict style preferences, and the conflict styles of others. Those who handle conflict well effectively assess each situation and make a conscious decision about which conflict style to use, adjusting their approach to fit the specific situation. In this module we take a closer look at conflict styles so you can make a conscious decision on the style you'll use when facing your next conflict. |
Practical Tips for Managing Workplace Conflict (13 minutes) |
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. Learning how to deal with conflict when it arises will serve you well throughout your career and help you demonstrate your leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills. In this module we explore practical tips for managing conflict when it inevitably arises. |
Delegating Effectively: Delegate More Achieve More - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (17 minutes each) |
When you are a law student the focus is on managing yourself. Your success is determined solely by your performance as an individual. Once you become a lawyer it is time to shift your mindset to more of a team approach - identifying and applying your strengths and talents but also those of others - to deliver great service effectively and efficiently for your clients. This requires a shift from "doing it all" to "deliberately delegating." In this module we'll explore a variety of practical tips so you can delegate more effectively. |
Delivering Effective Feedback - Lawyer Edition + Staff Edition (14 minutes each) |
Deliver feedback well and you can inspire others and drive strong performance that benefits both the individual and the firm. Don't deliver it well - or don't deliver it all - and it can have the opposite effect. Whether or not you serve in a supervisory role you interact with peers, assistants, and other support staff regularly assigning tasks or working together to accomplish shared objectives. You have the power to influence their motivation and performance through the feedback you provide. In this module we'll explore 10 tips for providing feedback that can sustain or lead to great performance. |
Everything you need to encourage leadership at all levels.
Series includes
14 modules designed just for law firms
Optional firm branding of each course
Optional customization of each course
Accompanying job aids or handouts with most courses
Facilitator guides so you can leverage the digital courses into expanded live, personalized training discussions
Delivery of courses as SCORM files for hosting on your LMS or through our web-based training platform
Printable certificates of completion (when hosted on our platform)
Pricing for this pre-packaged series is based on the firm size and the duration of the subscription. Two-year and three-year subscriptions are available. The more series you license, the more you save! Contact us for limited-time preview access and a firm-specific quote today.
Optional Add-On: Custom-Developed Courses
Looking for even more to round out the Emerging Leader topics you provide to your lawyers or staff? Let us develop a firm-specific course – or series of courses - just for you.
Flexible Delivery Options
If you leverage our platform, we’ll provide a firm-branded, web-accessible site featuring all of the modules you’ve licensed. You’ll also have access to an easy-to-use Administrative Control Panel, through which you can easily add new users, organize them into groups, send email announcements and assignments, and run reports on usage.
User access is straightforward and intuitive. And automated reminders and reporting capabilities make administration a breeze.
And if you’ve got your own Learning Management System (LMS) that you’d prefer to host the courses on, we can accommodate that, too.
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