Why Bystander Intervention Training?

Chicago recently passed a new law requiring all Chicago employers to provide one-hour of bystander intervention training to their employees every year – in addition to required harassment prevention training.

Why the focus on bystander training?

This excerpt from a 2016 report issued by an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) task force sheds some light on the value of bystander intervention training:

“We believe that bystander intervention training might be effective in the workplace.

Such training could—

help employees identify unwelcome and offensive behavior that is based on a co-workers' protected characteristic under employment non-discrimination laws;

create a sense of responsibility on the part of employees to "do something" and not simply stand by;

give employees the skills and confidence to intervene in some manner to stop harassment; and finally,

demonstrate the employer's commitment to empowering employees to act in this manner.

Bystander training also affords employers an opportunity to underscore their commitment to non-retaliation by making clear that any employee who "steps up" to combat harassment will be protected from negative repercussions.”

Chicago’s new training requirements align with the Citywide Strategic Plan to Address Gender-based Violence and Human Trafficking. The plan aims to “analyze and reform policies that perpetuate or create opportunities for gender-based violence and human trafficking, by strengthening worker protections and educating workers and their allies about their rights so that they can continuously advocate for safe and just workplaces.”

Chicago is not the first jurisdiction to mandate bystander intervention training. Since 2018, New York City has required that bystander intervention be addressed as an integral part of required annual sexual harassment prevention training.

Chicago is the first, however, to mandate such training as a stand-alone hour-long requirement.

Are you looking for effective on-demand bystander intervention training to meet Chicago’s new requirements?

Our new Bystander Intervention course will be available late Summer 2022, as part of our Respectful Workplace series of award-winning on-demand courses.

To receive a notice when the course is available for review, contact us today.


Seven Things to Look For in Harassment Awareness & Bystander Training for Chicago (and Beyond)


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