The world’s premier digital learning company for law firms and their clients.

Be the law firm that trains to win.

Who we serve…

Context Matters.
That’s why we develop our content with law firms, for law firms.

Ensuring the safe, secure, responsible, ethical, and effective use of generative AI in practice through bite-size, customizable on-demand training.

Series includes:

  • Generative AI Facts and Foundations

  • Generative AI Risks and Solutions

  • Prompts for Precision and Relevance

  • Understanding & Managing Limitations

  • Ethical Considerations

  • Preparing for Client Conversations

  • Generative AI & Data

  • Generative AI Use Cases

  • Intellectual Property and Generative AI

  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation

  • Gen AI for Business Development

  • Generative AI for Communication

    and more

Award-winning customizable sexual harassment prevention training used by more Am Law 100 firms than any other on-demand solution.

Available series include:

  • California Series

  • New York and NYC Series

  • Chicago and Illinois Series

  • Connecticut Series

  • Texas Series

  • US General Series

  • Bystander Intervention

    and more

Each series includes a Supervisor & Attorney version as well as a Non-Supervisor version.

In response to the recent legislative changes in California (CA SB 553), SkillBurst Interactive is proud to announce our newest digital learning course created just for law firms: "Preventing and Addressing Violence in the Workplace." This comprehensive training is specifically designed to meet the new state-mandated requirements for law firms and other businesses.




Get started with award-winning training used by preeminent law firms and their corporate clients around the globe.